🚨 New Book Alert: Lil Kim’s Memoir The Queen Bee With Kathy Iandoli

I’m excited to finally get to tell my story after all this time. Many people have thought they knew the story of Lil’ Kim, but they have no idea.

—Lil’ Kim in People magazine

ICYMI: Yesterday,  People magazine announced that Kimberly ‘Lil’Kim’’ Jones is releasing her memoirTHE QUEEN BEE [pub: Hachette] with Kathy Iandoli on November 2,

🚨 New Book Alert: Raekwon’s From Staircase to Stage with Anthony Bozza This Fall

ICYMI: Rapper Raekwon the Chef announced the release of his fall memoir yesterday ☛FROM STAIRCASE TO STAGE: THE STORY OF RAEKWON AND THE WU-TANG CLAN [pub: Gallery Books], written with Anthony Bozza,  on his Instagram yesterday. I’m hoping it’s as insightful as the Showtime docu-series Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Men,

Cole Brown’s Greyboy: Finding Blackness In A White World Lands An ABC TV Series Development Deal

What a dream come true this is! It still astounds me to think that what began as a college essay a few years ago has made it all the way to ABC. No duo I’d rather work with to bring Greyboy to life than @yarashahidi & @chocolatemommyluv Let’s get to work!

Soul City: Race, Equality, And the Lost Dream Of An American Utopia By Thomas Healy Book Review

If a Black man has no bread in his pocket, the solution to his problem is not integration. It’s to go get some bread.

—Floyd McKissick, the intellectual architect of Soul City, North Carolina


Seton Hall law professor Thomas Healy released ☛SOUL CITY: RACE,

Happy National Poetry Month 🎉 Featuring Jasmine Mans’ Black Girl, Call Home

Wash/Barrettes/Twists/Crisscross/Braids/Beads/Cornrows/    Wooden brush/Edges/Silk scarf/Nappy/Kitchen/       Beady beads/4c/Coil/Ouch/SuperGrow/Straighten…

—Jasmine Mans’ “Mama Has a Hair Salon in the Kitchen” 


April is National Poetry Month and I couldn’t let another spring day go by without celebrating my favorite collection of poems released this year—thus far,