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Oprah Winfrey Adapting Tayari Jones’ An American Marriage Into A Movie

Fantastic news! Oprah Winfrey is making my favorite novel of 2018 ☛AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE by Tayari Jones into a movie. I cannot wait to see Celestial, Roy and Andre come to life. Here’s the thing, Oprah tweeted the announcement back in February. Late pass, anyone?

Oprah tweets about Tayari Jones' An American Marriage

oprah Twitter thread on producing An American Marriage tweet

However, just last night Tayari tweeted, “I’m so excited. Can’t stop smiling,” in response.

Tayari Jones' tweet in response to Oprah Winfrey making her novel An American Marriage into a movie

I’m dying to know if it’s for the big screen or small. Is Tayari writing the script? Who’s directing? I’ll be following this adaptation from casting to premiere night. Stay tuned.

Peace, Love, & Beauty,

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