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Book Releases

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

Happiest of Pub Days to Tayari Jones! The Spelman alum’s fourth novel ☛AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE [pub: Algonquin Books] drops today!

Listen. I finished this incredible read in less than a week. In fact, I forced myself to put it down after the first two chapters simply because I wanted to slowly savor each character’s complex desires before fully ingesting their simple needs.

Between Harlem and Heaven by Alexander Smalls and JJ Johnson

Happiest of Pub Days to Chef JJ Johnson,  Alexander Smalls and Veronica Chambers! Their cookbook ☛BETWEEN HARLEM AND HEAVEN: AFRO-ASIAN-AMERICAN COOKING FOR BIG NIGHTS, WEEKNIGHTS AND EVERYDAY [pub: Flatiron Books] releases today.


Per Macmillan Publishers:


In two of the most renowned and historic venues in Harlem,